Monday, December 1, 2008

UAF Bookstore Online

The Bookstore on campus no longer sells our textbooks. They have gone digital! The website is:

Your time at the website will be best spent if you have gathered your specific course number (Fisheries 101, section 01) or CRN (4 digit number found on your detail schedule or in the course catalog).

FYI: The ISBN for the specific text is listed when you've found the correct class. If you have enough time, search online for a cheaper book.

Online book ordering sites:
  • - powered by eBay, easy to use, many options
  • - also user-friendly and inexpensive
  • - a lot of books that are hard to find can be located here, make sure your'e buying from within the U.S. A lot of "international versions" from other countries are sold on this site (illegally!)
  • - a lot of people sell locally, which is cheaper and can be quicker. Also, you can post what you NEED on there, and someone might respond with an answer.
  • Gullivan's Books - on College St. and University Ave. Good selection, local, quick.
  • Biosciences Library and Rasmusson Library - most textbooks are available in the library. If you can't afford a book, or you might not be using it much during the semester, this is an alternative to buying a text.
  • Bulletin boards around campus - don't forget to look at the boards all around campus!

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