Fairbanks and Tanana Valley Students Only:
WINTERmester registration has begun and continues
through January 2. This compressed, intensive term
from January 5-16, is an opportunity to earn 3 credits
in 2 weeks. There are four core courses available and
several interest courses. Prerequisites and course
preparation necessary before the start of class can be
found at www.uaf.edu/summer/wintermester.
Choose from the following WINTERmester courses:
ANTH F100x-FQ1 Individual, Society and Culture (3 credits)
ART FO40-FQ1 Coptic Binding (0 credits)
BA F323X-FQ1 Business Ethics (3 credits)
ECON F227-FQ1 Intermediate Statistics for Business and
Economics (3 credits)
ES F193-FQ1 Electric Car Conversion (2 credits)
LAS F293 FQ1 Demystifying Biotechnology (1 credit)
LS F101X-FQ2 Library Information and Research (1 credit)
MUS F200X-FQ1 Aesthetic Appreciation: Interrelation of Art,
Drama and Music, (3 credits)
PS F300X-FQ1 Ethics and Society (3 credits)
PSY F393-FQ1 Intimate Relationships (3 credits)
PSY F693-FQ1 Structural Equation Modeling (1 credit)
Financial aid can be applied to these courses and space is
available in the dorms for students that need housing.
Contact Summer Sessions for more information.
Phone: 474-7021
Email: summer@uaf.edu
Online: www.uaf.edu/summer/wintermester
Office: 216 Eielson Bldg on the UAF campus
Monday, December 8, 2008
Feeling Ambitious?
Dr. Vera Alexander
SFOS team,
Last week, Vera Alexander suffered a mild stroke and has been hospitalized since that time. She is doing very well considering the situation and her son (Graham) has been in contact with me providing updates. I talked with him and he said his mom is coming out of the hospital on December 6th (she is in Seattle with family) and will be moving into her daughters house in Seattle until sometime in January. Rehab is focused on speech therapy, but otherwise, he said she is doing well.
The following website has been set up to track Vera's condition, sign in and write in a guest book, and make donations.
Mike Castellini
SFOS Associate Dean
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Aleutian Discoveries
Along with the video below, there are many more videos, found at the link above, documenting new species discovered, unique areas in the Aleutian, fish behavior, and beautiful Alaskan scenery.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Alaska Sea Grant Calendar
(scenery, people, wildlife) for the 2010 Alaska Sea Grant
Coastal Calendar. If you have great images, please send them
along!! We can take low res images for now, but high res images
will be needed if your image is chosen! While we cannot offer
money for your images, we can offer fame and glory that
comes with knowing that your image will be on walls around the
world for an entire year!
See the 2009 Alaska Coastal Calendar at:
UAF School of Fisheries Spring 2009 Courses
Fisheries major? Interested in fisheries or marine science courses? Here is a link to the Spring 2009 SFOS offerings:
- 46 offerings
- Exciting new courses
- New faculty!
- High-tech classrooms
- Hands-on experience
Marine Science and Limnology
- 26 Offerings
- Broad range of oceanography-related topics
- Introduction through graduate level courses
- Also new faculty members!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Meet Your Executive Committee
President - Bert Lewis
President elect- Toshihide "Hamachan" Hamazaki
Past President - Jamal Moss
Vice President - Lisa Stuby
Treasurer - Lee Ann Gardner
Secretary - Karla Bush
Monday, December 1, 2008
School of Fisheries Hooded Sweatshirts!
UAF Bookstore Online
Your time at the website will be best spent if you have gathered your specific course number (Fisheries 101, section 01) or CRN (4 digit number found on your detail schedule or in the course catalog).
FYI: The ISBN for the specific text is listed when you've found the correct class. If you have enough time, search online for a cheaper book.
Online book ordering sites:
- www.half.com - powered by eBay, easy to use, many options
- www.amazon.com - also user-friendly and inexpensive
- www.abebooks.com - a lot of books that are hard to find can be located here, make sure your'e buying from within the U.S. A lot of "international versions" from other countries are sold on this site (illegally!)
- www.craigslist.org - a lot of people sell locally, which is cheaper and can be quicker. Also, you can post what you NEED on there, and someone might respond with an answer.
- Gullivan's Books - on College St. and University Ave. Good selection, local, quick.
- Biosciences Library and Rasmusson Library - most textbooks are available in the library. If you can't afford a book, or you might not be using it much during the semester, this is an alternative to buying a text.
- Bulletin boards around campus - don't forget to look at the boards all around campus!
2008 Alaska Chapter Conference
Expanding Perspectives of Fisheries
People came from all across Alaska to attend the Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society's Annual Conference titled: Expanding Perspectives of Fisheries. Students brought projects to share, professionals spoke about current work, and many different issues, regions, and species were presented.
Before the conference, 4 continuing education courses were offered: DIDSON-Based Fish Assessment Workshop, Improving your Scientific Presentation and Speaking Skills, Wilderness First Aid, and a Technical Writing Workshop.
A few of our Fairbanks members, along with other students from Juneau and Anchorage, gathered items for a silent auction. Every year the students are responsible for collecting items and the profits go to the student travel fund. Thanks to everyone who participated!
The last evening of the conference a banquet was held with live entertainment and food. The auction and several award distributions occurred that evening. Recognition was given for: best poster, best presentation, service award, and a Molly Ahlgren student scholarship.
Below is a banquet snapshot from Dona. Seth W. is on the left, Dayna is in the middle, and Shelley W. is on the right.
Big thanks to the people who worked hard to make this conference a success.
Next year the annual conference will be in Fairbanks!
October Meeting Minutes
19 attendees
· Fish Tank
· Food – Costco Pizza, cookies, water, vegetable tray
· 2008 Alaska Chapter Conference
· Committees
· Membership – benefits and “how to”
· Open Discussion – activities, volunteer opportunities, etc…
· Hatchery Tour
· Planet Earth DVD - Freshwater
Fish Tank
Maintenance and feeding schedule was set-up by Stan T. Feeding 2x/week. To be recorded in maintenance log: temperature and number of fish. Partial water exchange required 1x/month.
Anchorage – October 28th-30th
2 seats on the van available. For volunteering at the conference your registration fee will be waived. There are donation slips that are going around to gather items for the silent auction. The silent auction pays for student travel, so we need as many items as possible.
- Tank – Feeding/MaintenanceMerchandising – Hats, mugs, sweatshirts, totes, posters
- Community Outreach – Volunteering, fishing, outreach collaboration with Katie Murra in Academics
- Continuing Education – boater safety, bear safety, CPR
About $25/year provides newsletters, subscription to Onchorhynchus and other AFS journals, allows discounts for conferences, definitely worth the money. See www.uafafs.blogspot.com for complete instructions on applying.
- Winter Ice Fishing (burbot sets, dog mushing)
- Stream cleanups (media opportunity, Tanana Valley Watershed Assoc.)
- Science Potpouri (blow stuff up, in April, young people involved, ideas – touch tank, hydrology, watershed, fish lab, etc)
- Summer activities (fishing, bird watching, rafting, canoeing/kayaking)
- Boyscout/Girlscout fish painting, tshirts, fishing trips, fun art activity
- After-school tutoring (all education levels)- Review Session (presentations, presentation skills, paper reviews, lab help, math tutoring, homework help)
- November 13th – Natural Resource and Fisheries Science Career Fair Day (Wood Center, go find a summer internship!)
- Resume workshop (bring resumes)
Jim Fish has offered to bring us through the hatchery in his own time. Sign-up on the board if you would like to attend. Good opportunity to experience aquaculture in our own back yards.
Planet Earth DVD
Freshwater - fresh water habitats from across the world
Thursday, October 16, 2008
There are many ways to obtain a membership, and many levels.
Membership Categories:
- Individual: fisheries professional or single person
- Student: high school, college, university, technical program, etc...
- Associate/Official/Sustaining/Golden memberships: organizations or wealthy individuals who can donate lots of time and/or money to AFS (generally doesn't apply to Student Chapters!)
What you will need to start:
- Credit card
- Personal information (billing/mailing addresses, email address, other contact information)
- Reliable internet connection
How to apply:
- Go to: http://www.fisheries.org/afs/membership_student.html#membership
- Click "Join"
- Make sure you are joining the appropriate membership level (as described above)
- Fill in the required information
- Fields with an asterisk are required: first/last name, email, address, city, zip, country, login and password (enter 2 times)
- Click submit
- Confirm information is correct
- Click submit
- Click the drop-down menu and read through the options for membership level
- Scroll down and click the correct level, taking note of price
- Click "Save and Proceed to Next Step"
- Click the bullet next to any journal subscription you would like, taking note of price
- Click "Save and Proceed to Next Step"
- Click any boxes next to Section Dues that you may need to purchase
- Click "Save and Proceed to Next Step"
- Click any boxes next to any Chapters of AFS that you would like to be a member of
- Click "Save and Proceed to Next Step"
- Click any boxes next to contributions you would like to donate to AFS
- Click "Save and Proceed to Next Step"
- If you would not like to be included when AFS distributes member information for related organizations or if you would not like to be included in the online directory, click "Exclude Me" next to the corresponding boxes
- If you were recruited by an AFS member type their name and their AFS membership number in the box on the bottom of the page
- Click "Proceed to Checkout"
- Select Credit Card Type from the drop-down list under Credit Card Information
- Enter the Credit Card Expiration date using the drop-down menus under Credit Card Information
- Enter the Credit Card Number
- Enter 3 digit security code located on the back of the credit card
- Type the name as it appears on the credit card
- Enter the address where your credit card bill is sent (address, city, state abbreviation, zip, country)
- Click "Check-Out"
This completes your order.
Need Help?
Having trouble entering information?
Make sure all of the fields with asterisks are completed in the correct format.
Credit card doesn't have 3 digit security code, or it is warn off?
Contact your credit card company to issue you a new card.
Your internet connection caused an error when processing order?
Wait for a confirmation email (atleast 2 hours) before you go through the whole process. This will avoid a double charge to your credit card.
There are many steps to this process. If you are having difficulty contact fbafs@uaf.edu, as we have gone through this process and are relatively familiar with online ordering.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Freshwater Native Species Fish Tank
AFS Freshwater fish tank on the 2nd floor of the O'Neill Building at UAF
The tank pictured above was donated by the Bureau of Land Management office in Fairbanks. There are five native species residing in this tank: Slimy sculpin (1), Alaska Blackfish (2), Arctic Grayling (2), Round Whitefish (2), and Longnose Sucker (1).
One main objective of the AFS officers for the 2008-09 year is to get more inolvement from students, and to make the AFS name known on campus. This fish tank provides us with an opportunity for community outreach. The School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences will also use this tank as a tool for attracting prospective/current student attention.
If you get a chance, stop by and see our fish! They are very lively and love attention.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Applied Hydrogeologic Site Characterization & Monitoring Well Construction Workshop
Three day training course to introduce environmental professionals to Applied Hydrologeologic principles and prepare for management and development of Site Characterization activities.
In-class exercises will include calculating hydraulic gradient, flow direction, flow volume, and flow velocity; water table contouring, designing monitoring wells, constructing geologic profiles from well logs, and investigating contaminated sites based on case study data.
The course is structured in a manner that the student will be able to understand hydrogeologic reports, prepare work plans and implement field studies. The attendee will further understand regional groundwater hydrology and how it relates to their local environment.
The class is intended for environmental professionals who are not hydrogeologists, but would benefit from a practical understanding of environmental hydrogeology.
October 1-3, 2008
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Sport Fish Division
1300 College Road
Fairbanks, Alaska
For more information or application instructions click:
or contact fbafs@uaf.edu.
September 2008 Meeting Minutes
· Sign-In
· Food – subway, chips, cookies, water, snack mix
· What is AFS? – Stan Triebenbach
· Upcoming meeting announcement (vote on Weds or Thurs via email)
· Fish Tank announcements & call for volunteers
· AFS Alaska Chapter Diversity Travel Award for 2008 Annual Conference
· Officer nomination and elections
· Amanda PCCRC Internship
· Raffle for water bottle
AFS - Membership, purpose, and other information
Stan Triebenbach spoke about the benefits to AFS membership, how to sign up, and what AFS’ purpose is.
Volunteers for fish tank: Daniel Vaughn, Lisa Kangas, and Stan Triebenbach.
Diversity Award: Katie Murra announced the 2008 Annual Alaska Chapter conference in Anchorage, AK October 27-30, 2008. Women, minorities, Alaskan Natives, etc… can apply for scholarship for travel, lodging, registration fee. Application deadline September 26th, 2008. Our very own Lisa Kangas has won the award the past 2 years!
Volunteer opportunities: Katie also spoke about various activities throughout the school year -Outdoor Days: students will have an opportunity to interact and learn about science (Trophic Ecology Game); Science Symposium: High school competition – volunteers needed to help with projects and judge; Fish tank: Moving, filling with water, placing rocks, artificial plants, fish, feeding and cleaning; Natural Resource and Fisheries Career Day: November 13, 2008 – talk about AFS/SFOS, look for a job
Pollock Conservation Cooperative Research Center – Internships
Amanda Rosenberger – applications to work with an SFOS research scientist due September 15, 2008.
Officer Elections: Nominations:
President – Lisa Kangas (graduating 12/08), Seth Weitgrefe (accepted)
Vice President – Kelly Newfield and Jason Stolarski (vote: Kelly 14, Jason 17)
Raffle – water bottle
Annual AFS Alaska Chapter Conference
You may register for the conference at:
Students who volunteer to help at the conference will have their registration fee waived. Please contact https://fbafs.email.uaf.edu/webmail/src/compose.php?send_to=eidam.d%40alaska.com if you would like to sign up!
Thanks, and hope to see you there!
-UAA Fisheries Club
Welcome 2008-09 Officers
Fisheries Undergraduate, Dad & Husband, veteran, avid fisherman and hunter.
Vice President - Jason Stolarski
Fisheries Graduate Student, participated in West Virginia student sub-unit, studying the effects of temperature change on anadramous fishes in the beaufort sea at UAF.
Secretary/Treasurer - Shelley Woods
Undergraduate, originally from Dillingham, AK, working in a labratory studying Antarctic Polychaetes, involved in ANSEP AISES.
For any AFS related issues, ideas for meetings/activities, or other requests please email fbafs@uaf.edu.